
The Belnap Family Organization has a remarkable history that has been relatively well-documented over the years.  Records go back to the very first reunion, which was held on Wednesday, 5 October 1904 in Hooper, Utah.  Up until 1980, most Belnap Family Organizations minutes were kept in a large leather-bound minute book (the “BFO Minute Book”) on legal-size paper.  The BFO Minute Book also served as a sort of scrapbook for reunion announcements and programs, reports, and important correspondence.

Below are links to important historical information on the Belnap Family Organization (except for some BFO Reunion records, which are more fully available here, and Belnap Family Criers, which are available here), including minutes of family organization meetings, reunion minutes/reports, and other notable correspondence and materials:

Official BFO Minutes and Reports

BFO Reunion Records (not otherwise listed above)

Click here to access further information on Belnap Family Organization reunions, including programs, photographs, newspaper articles, presentation materials, and other reunion-related records.


Last update:  1 Jul 2024

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