Donations to the Belnap Family Organization are welcomed. The Belnap Family Organization is a non-profit ancestral family organization registered with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt public charitable organization under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) under the name “Gilbert Belnap Families Genealogical Association.”
The Belnap Family Organization suggests a donation of $10.00 per individual at each family reunion, or $20 for 2 persons, $25 for 3 persons, $30 for 4 persons with $5 for each additional person to help defray reunion expenses and support family organization projects and activities. Members unable to attend a reunion in person are encouraged to contribute to the organization to assist it in carrying out its mission.
Donations can be made by the following methods:
- Check: Payable to “Belnap Family Organization” and mailed to Belnap Family Organization, c/o 1592 Oakcrest Drive, Ogden, UT 84403.
- PayPal: @belnapfamilyorg (under Gilbert Belnap Families Genealogical Association)
- Venmo: @belnapfamilyorganization (under Matthew Purcell)