Bishopp Family

Gathered here is the most comprehensive repository of materials on the Bishopp (Bishop, Bisshop/Bisshopp/Bysshopp) family into which Elizabeth Belknap (unknown-1569), great great granddaughter of Sir Robert Belknap (about 1330-1401), married.  Click on the links below to access biographical and historical information about this family:

Published Genealogies

Visitation Records

Other Records

Indenture Records

  • Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, Indentures of Fine, DE/Z120/44599,44600, Morrow of Purification, 1605-06:  “Between Thomas Wood and Robert Wood, plts, and Sir Thomas Bisshoppe, kt, and Jane his wife defs, concerning land in Sawbridgeworth”

Web Links




Last update:  23 Jun 2023

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